Continuing Education

Canine Extraction lab
This will be a “tooth boot camp” that teaches the foundations of dentistry and basic dental extraction techniques. There will be a lab portion with hands on training of dental extractions in the dog.
The following topics will be covered in Presentations:
- Dental Terminology
- Dental Nerve Blocks
- Extraction Indications & Techniques
- Detailed explanation of all the different dental instruments
Canine & Feline Extraction lab
This will be a 2 day event.
We will include the basic building blocks that we discuss in our Canine Extraction Labs, and we will build upon that to include Feline Dental Extractions for day 2. There will be a lab portion with hands on training of dental extractions in canines (day 1) & felines (day 2)
We will further discuss:
- Dental Terminology
- Dental Nerve Blocks
- Extraction Indications & Techniques
- Detailed explanation of all the different dental instruments
Radiology Interpretation & Positioning Lab
Learn the basics of positioning & interpretation for dental x-rays. This course is for veterinarians, veterinary technicians & assistants who wish to learn and advance their knowledge of dental radiography. The course will cover:
- Normal Dental Anatomy
- Some Basic Dental Pathology
- Dental Radiology Equipment
- Intraoral Dental Radiography Techniques and X-ray Positioning will be described and practiced in a hands-on laboratory.
Dental Anesthesia, Pain Management & Dental Nerve Blocks
Learn about anesthesia for the dental patient and the nuances to consider with anesthesia and the different dental procedures. This course is open for veterinarians, veterinary technicians & assistants. We will discuss:
- Anesthesia Equipment
- Fluid and Constant Rate Infusion Pumps
- We will discuss Pain Management for the dental patient and include a hands-on lab for practicing dental nerve blocks.